Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy St Patricks day

Leprechauns came to our house last night!!! They are "frazzled" as Marlie said (I think she meant sneaky). They tied green ribbons on everything, put sparkly wire stars all over the kitchen....They left a skittles trail from both the kids rooms to the kitchen.

Marlie's reaction when she saw the table.
William just wanted to eat the skittles he collected off the stairs!

They left us a note: "Marlie and Will, we tickled your feet while you were sleeping. Enjoy the treats, the Leprechauns. " Notice all their green fingerprints.

What a mess they made of the kitchen. We think they had a party. They were drinking green bottled water and eating our cereal. However, they DID leave treats for Marlie and Wills: St Patricks day buttons, green jellybeans and green gum. Marlie was looking for them in the kitchen cabinets.